Choosing Yourself
I have been away from my blog and my writing spree for some time now. It has mainly to do with the fact that …
Mastering the Balancing Act – Living a Full Life
Work-Life Balance is a topic that has been shredded to its core. I have an uncanny feeling that the…
The Art of Listening
In the last few years there have been many times when I have decided that I will learn to talk less and listen more.
Love – Blame it on the Hormones
Much studied and yet not understood, love has been an enigma for eons. People have known to ask…
Using the Law of Attraction, the Right Way
It has been some time since the Law of Attraction was made famous by the movie The Secret and the book too.
Heaven & Hell – View it with Logic
Growing up in a Hindu household, the concept of heaven and hell was not very detailed for me.
4 Watershed Decisions that Shape Your Life
No prizes for guessing what the main events in our lives are when it comes to turning points or key events in our lives.
Emotional Infidelity
As if we did not have enough issues in marital relationships, that we now have a new buzzword that seems to have
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