The Thing About Confidence
A trait that takes you places, the most important thing about confidence is that it is more a state of mind…
Your Checklist for Choosing a Great Partner
The pressure to choose the right partner for yourself starts to hit the moment you hit a certain age.
The Inescapable Question – What is the Purpose of Life
A very quaint question but one that may have crossed your mind at some time is one that baffles…
Evolution Got it Wrong
Darwin’s theory of evolution clarified many aspects of how humans came about. It is today,..
Free Will – Reality or Myth
For centuries we have believed that the one thing that differentiates humans from all other creatures on earth…
Live In Relationships – A Debate
As someone who questions everything all the time, I have watched a lot of videos of many spiritual gurus,…
The Treacherous Easy Path to Happiness
Ask 100 random people about what they seek in life and you are bound to get a variety of answers like…
Who’s Got Your Remote?
Ever since the advent of the color televisions and the remote control, the fight for supremacy over this gadget
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